Kategoria: Artykuły spożywcze -> Napoje -> Alkohole
Kraj: Wszystkie
 Pocket Shot is an innovative new concept that provides the consumer
with a convenient "grab and go" and environmentally-friendly package
for alcoholic beverages. Each PocketShot comes in a 5 cl single serve
flexible stand-up pouch containing 40% degrees of alcohol in five
flavors (Vodka, Whiskey, Brandy, Rum, and Tequila).[...] Szczegóły...  Vodka Medova (with chilly pepper and honey) - it is not that vodka which "burns" throat, quite the contrary, even pleasant warmth spreads in one's mouth and round the body. In its composition everything is natural.
Our product engineers worked under it for a long time in order to achieve perfection and find delicate ratio between components, and besides, to achieve balance of taste - not very sweet and not too burning.
It has excellent design, premium quality and competitive price.[...] Szczegóły...   Paderewski Group – to firma oparta na najwyższych polskich wartościach. Zaangażowanie twórców marki - Paderewski - a także ich determinacja w dążeniu do celu, pozwoliły dać Państwu produkt najwyższej jakości – Wódkę Paderewski. Ideą naszej firmy jest propagowanie wizerunku Polski na całym świecie. Filarem naszej propagandy jest Jan Ignacy Paderewski. Atmosfera wytwarzania produktu nadaje wódce Paderewski wyjątkową jakość i prestiż. Proces produkcji zachodzi w samym sercu[...] Szczegóły...  My Grappa barrique ia a premium grappa distilled in the region of Piedmont from a blend of 4
different wine pressings, the remaining of the wine skins, seeds and pulps of the grape, and in
particularly coming out from Moscato d'Asti, Barbera, Dolcetto and Nebbiolo wine pressed grapes.
We are selecting the wine pressings very carefully from the best wine makers and cooperative cellars
after the vintage and we use to protect these raw materials in special vacuum plastic rolls which block
the oxidation[...] Szczegóły...  Tusker Beer OR Guinnes Beer. Tusker Beer is packed in Tins, and Guinness Beer is packed in Bottles.[...] Szczegóły...  Traditional Balkan spirit beverage made under traditional Trakia receipt,
locally called “RAKIA” produced by means of fermentation and distillation
of wine material matured into oak barrels for 3-5 years.
By taste it is soft, pleasant, with a good ending characteristics of the grape brandy.
In addition we produce under traditional receipt, locally called “RAKIA”, produced by means of fermentation and distillation of fruit material.
By taste it is soft, pleasant, with a good[...] Szczegóły... [Portugalia]Wine
 We are a Portuguese trading company and we export mineral water, olive oil, eggs and table and Premium Portuguese wine.
We supply red and white wine in glass bottles of 750ml and also Premium Portuguese wine.
For a quote please inform quantity, regularity and destination.
We are interested in finding reliable and long-term partners (distributors, importers, agents) to expand our business in your region.[...] Szczegóły...   Nalewka na świeżej cytrynie i spirytusie o zrównoważonym smaku, moc 40%. Doskonał również jako dodatek do koktajli.[...] Szczegóły...  Piwo jasne ,ujmująco łagodne. Niepowtarzalna barwa oraz smak to wynik strannie dobranych składników.
Jasne, pełne piwa o ekstrakcie wagowym 11,5 Blg i alk. 5% obj.
Piękna złocista barwa, wyśmienity smak i piana uzyskane dzięki tradycyjnej technologii warzenia składają się na wyjątkową jakość tych piw.[...] Szczegóły...  Organic Sugar Cane Alcohol is used to create extracts and concentrated natural essences. For example, Vanilla extract is made by percolating alcohol and water through chopped, cured vanilla beans. Extracts made with our organic sugar cane alcohol make the extract age like the finest of liquors.
With the number of organic extracts, herbal essences, and cosmetic components cured and cut with alcohol growing, our organic sugar cane alcohol is the perfect compliment.
Organic Sugar Cane Alcohol[...] Szczegóły...